Dmytro Tuzhanskyi

Fellow and Project Manager for Ukraine and Eastern Europe Programme

Dmytro is a political scientist by training and is professionally involved in three main areas: international relations, media and election observation. His portfolio includes cooperation as consultant and researcher with IRI, International Alert, OSCE and ENEMO (missions to Russia, Moldova, Norway). You can also find his name in a series of articles dedicated to Central and Eastern Europe, for instance in The New York Times, Le Monde, Spiegel. As an author and columnist Dmytro contributes for Newsweek, Atlantic Council and New Eastern Europe.

Dmytro graduated from National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” in Kyiv with an MA in European Studies; he is also an alum of the IVLP (2019), Think Visegrad (2020) and Policy Designers Network of GMF (2021).