Is Europe ready to do more on security matters?
The notion of a stronger European security framework is gaining momentum again. While the history of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) goes back to the Western European Union, more recent initiatives include 11 member states calling for a new defense policy and a more majority-based decision-making procedure to be put in place on defense matters to prevent individual members obstructing initiatives through their veto power.
Recently, doubts about the United States’ willingness to defend the European continent if needed have arisen when President Donald Trump has publicly questioned the relevance of NATO, Europe’s financial contributions to the alliance and the fact that American soldiers have to sacrifice their lives in NATO missions.
In the meantime, external security threats — for instance related to Russia — are causing concerns among many European states. With the historical ability to rely on US support now in question, European leaders are rethinking regional military capabilities and know-how. Many have doubts that the EU is able to defend itself against an unforeseen attack in the potential absence of fulfilling the Article 5guarantees of the North Atlantic Treaty.
This article was published on Fair Observer on 17 July 2019. To read full article, please visit:
This article is published within GLOSBEC DIFF GOV — European Governance: Potential of Differentiated Cooperation project supported by Jean Monnet Actions of the EU’s Erasmus+ program.
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