Press release

GLOBSEC Vaccination Trends: Key Highlights

The report GLOBSEC Vaccination Trends: Perceptions from Central & Eastern Europe takes a unique look at the prospects of vaccination against COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe building on the polling data from 10 CEE countries - Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

With the emerging mutations, the challenge of delivery of jabs to a sufficient proportion of society has become a race against time. But will the region succeed?

Find out more in the videos below.

To read more in the full GLOBSEC Vaccination Trends: Perceptions from Central & Eastern Europe report, please go here.


Director, Centre for Democracy & Resilience

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Democracy & Resilience

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Democracy & Resilience



Director, Centre for Democracy & Resilience

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Democracy & Resilience

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Democracy & Resilience