Strengthening Resilience of the Youth against Radicalisation in the Western Balkans
Project Description
Overall goal of the project: Strengthening capacities for the resilience of the young generation in the Western Balkans countries against radicalisation and violent extremism.
Specific goal of the project: Raising awareness of youth against radicalization through promoting shared values and social cohesion (interfaith, interethnic and intercultural dialogues).
The project has the ambition to contribute to addressing the youth radicalization that has been the problem in the Western Balkans for a couple of years already. The project is being implemented in four project countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia, that are all affected by this phenomenon. The main idea of the project is to mobilize active young people, that are interested in improving the lives of young people in their communities through addressing radicalization. The project will first detailly map the problem of youth radicalization in each of the project countries based on the field research through focus groups at high schools and universities and interviews with key moral authorities in communities (e.g. imams, priests, teachers, CSOs dealing with youth issues etc. …). Within this process, supporters of the project from among the key opinion-shapers as well as active young people will be identified. The project has the ambition to work with young leaders in communities, that are capable and willing to advocate against radicalization and with natural authorities to address the radicalization.
The second phase will consist of work with those identified active young people to build their capacities and raise their knowledge in the order they are better equipped to address the radicalization in their communities among their friends and peers. This will include study trips and joint trainins in the form of a summer school.
The third phase will consist of the creation of short promo videos (in each of the project country) advocating for young people not to slide down the radicalization path. The speakers on video and promoters will be the moral authorities respected in communities and active young people themselves.
Target groups
Young people in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia (high school students, university students), key influencers in communities (natural authorities) – acting as multipliers.
Project Partners
GLOBSEC, Slovak Republic, leader of the consortium
Albanian Helsinki Committee, Albania
Humanity in Action, Bosnia and Herzegovina
InnovActive Center for Social Improvement, Kosovo
Association for Civic Activism and Encouraging Social Responsibility - Horizon Civitas, North Macedonia
Be International, Czech Republic
Tihanyi Foundation, Hungary
Institute of Central Europe, Poland