Cyber Resilience Programme

The Cyber Resilience Programme at GLOBSEC works to understand the evolving nature and scope of cyber threats amidst increasing cyber insecurity, rapid adoption of emerging technologies, and unprecedented geopolitical circumstances. Activities of the programme include proposing actionable and implementable policy positions and strategies for national government and intergovernmental organization officials on issues like active defence, cyber incident response, cyber capacity development among others as well as assessing key regional and transatlantic partnerships in the field of cybersecurity. Furthermore, one of the key objectives of the programme is to facilitate discussions on cybersecurity issues for non-traditional security spheres (media, healthcare, education) and integrate non-traditional cybersecurity stakeholders (journalists, non-profits, foundations) into the security dialogue.

Recent news


GLOBSEC usporiadal 17. októbra 2023 v Bratislave diskusiu za okrúhlym stolom s názvom „Stav kybernetickej bezpečnosti na Slovensku: Sú podniky pripraven...


GLOBSEC held a session on transatlantic cybersecurity on May 30, 2023, during the annual GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum.

on 21.06.2023

February 24, 2023 will mark one year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with no signs suggesting the end of the war is near.

on 10.02.2023
Press release

On December 9, participants from the private sector, public administration, academia, and the think-tank space joined GLOBSEC virtually to outline concr...


As proven by the ongoing war in Ukraine, the cyber domain keeps gaining on importance.

Press release

Thursday 19 May, 3:00pm  Via Zoom Moderator: Roger Hilton, Media Presenter at GLOBSEC  Please register here Speakers:  Franak Viačorka, Senior Advi...


Press releases

On December 9, participants from the private sector, public administration, academia, and the think-tank space joined GLOBSEC virtually to outline concrete priority areas where the United States and the European Union can scale cooperation to better secure cyberspace in light of a


As proven by the ongoing war in Ukraine, the cyber domain keeps gaining on importance. In order to keep up with the fast-paced changes in this area, GLOBSEC is launching a new project.


GLOBSEC usporiadal 17. októbra 2023 v Bratislave diskusiu za okrúhlym stolom s názvom „Stav kybernetickej bezpečnosti na Slovensku: Sú podniky pripravené?”. Rýchlo sa meniaca geopolitická situácia v strednej a východnej Európe spôsobuje zmeny v povahe hrozieb a zvyšuje nebezpečenstvo v kybernetickom priestore. ...



Anushka Kaushik, Associate Fellow in the Cyber Resilience Programme at the GLOBSEC Policy Institute in Bratislava presents and analyses security and privacy risks associated with IoT, offering recommendation

on 29.06.2020

Where to next?